Civil Engineering Services
RA Cataldo & Associates offers a broad range of Civil Engineering Services including Transportation, Traffic Engineering, Land Development, and Stormwater Management.
RA Cataldo & Associates’ transportation practice includes planning, design and construction of highway systems. Our transportation expertise includes highway design, environmental design services, traffic engineering, utility design, parking studies and design, pedestrian and bicycle planning and facilities, traffic control, construction staging, safety studies and right of way survey and plats. Our transportation clients include State Departments of Transportations, Turnpike Authorities, Municipalities, Utility Companies and Private Developers.
Traffic Engineering
RA Cataldo & Associates’ traffic engineering practice encompasses all areas of traffic engineering including analysis, studies, sign design, traffic control plans, pavement marking and traffic signal design. Our traffic engineering clients include State Departments of Transportations, Turnpike Authorities, Municipalities, Utility Companies and Private Developers.
Land Development
RA Cataldo & Associates’ land development practice includes a comprehensive land development package for Municipal and Private Developers. Our team approach assembles all areas of expertise in planning and phasing, civil engineering, environmental engineering, traffic engineering, utility design, RIDEM permitting applications and land survey.
Stormwater Management
RA Cataldo & Associates’ stormwater practice includes complete permitting, design, inspection and testing services. Our stormwater expertise provides a full range of services in the field of Stormwater Management. Whether it is preliminary site planning, layout and design of new stormwater facilities, rehabilitation of existing stormwater facilities, field collection and analysis of water samples, drainage inspection services, construction inspection, or determining ongoing maintenance responsibilities, our highly trained staff can guide our clients through the constantly evolving field of stormwater management. Our staff keeps up to date with the latest regulations that affect the requirements of Stormwater Management, including National Pollution Discharge Elimination System, Erosion and Sedimentation Control, Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems, and Post Construction Stormwater Management. Along with the extensive knowledge base, education, Stormwater Certifications and experience of our staff, we utilize the most advanced CAD, GIS and hydraulic modeling software to analyze existing stormwater conditions and provide stormwater management solutions.
Successful professional engineering demands a detail-diligent approach, proactively managed by professionals who have the experience, skills and technical support each project demands. RA Cataldo & Associates’ professionals are seasoned with hands-on experience in the transportation industry. This experience gives our project teams the practical knowledge they need to effectively manage virtually any type of infrastructure project.
Our engineering team is experienced in working with transportation agencies to successfully execute all types of infrastructure projects including highway design, traffic engineering and land developments for State, City and local municipalities including private developers. We provide comprehensive on-call transportation engineering services. In-depth knowledge and technical expertise are the driving forces behind our success that allows us to provide highly specialized professional engineering and land surveying services. We work closely with clients, communicating at every step to create a seamless process, address unique construction program needs and ensure that goals are successfully met.